chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor
(519) 784-9484 goudreaudc@gmail.com
chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor

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Dr. Colin Goudreau - Chiropractor
I have one goal: yours. Whatever your goal is, I want to help you strive to achieve that goal. I will try to use my knowledge, expertise, and educational background to deliver sound and evidence-informed treatments and rehabilitation advice. Be it chiropractic techniques, soft tissue treatments via A.R.T, instrument assisted soft tissue techniques, acupuncture, or rehabilitation exercises I prescribe, they will be taking into account one thing: your goal.
chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor