chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor
(519) 784-9484 goudreaudc@gmail.com
chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor

chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor
These are all the services that Dr. Goudreau provides as a Doctor of Chiropractic. With each individual's complaint or presenting issue, any/all of these options may be useful in helping you recover from your injury or defecit. If you wish to have a service, just ask - Dr. Goudreau will let you know if it will benefit your condition, and most cases, add it to the course of treatment for you. chiropractic, active release technique, ART, acupuncture, kinesiotape, kinesio-tape, rehabilitation, Chatham, Windsor, Chatham-Kent, exercise, health, wellness, instrument assisted soft tissue, IASTT, Ellipse, Graston, adjustment, chiro, SMT, Chatham chiropractor, Chatham-Kent Chiropractor, Windsor chiropractor, Dr. Colin Goudreau, chiropractor
Dr. Goudreau has been trained for 4 years at an educational institution priding themselves on being spinal care experts (www.cmcc.ca). Sometimes, certain joints within the body are not moving the way they were made to - a chiropractic adjustment to that joint, be it in the spine or extremity, can help that joint move better and cause less pain. Mobilizations, which are a gentle technique, may also be implemented with care.

Dr. Goudreau is certified in Active Release Techniques (Full Body - Spine, Upper Limb and Lower Limb), one of the best soft tissue protocols that individuals seek out for injuries or for maintenence in their given sport or activity. Endorsed by elite athletes worldwide (like Brenden Morrow, 2010 Winter Olympic Gold Medal Champion) Colin is certified to provide this type of soft tissue treatment.

Trained by Dr. Kwong Chiu, a practicing chiropractor and acupuncture provider for over 20 years, Dr. Goudreau learned the techniques to treat injuries with this type of adjudicative care used for thousands of years. Dr. Goudreau is not an acupuncturist or registered with the CTCMPAO, but can provide patients with acupuncture as an adjunct to other types of care. With minimal discomfort, stainless steel, one-time use needles are inserted into the body to help control inflammation and induce a healing reaction in that area.

As a Level One Graston certified practitioner, utilizing this protocol allows Dr. Goudreau and his patients truly feel adhesions in the muscles and fascia. Using an emoliant to guide the tool across the skin, this technique helps loosen up areas where tissue adhesions may be present and help in recovery.

Also known as Cold Laser, Laser therapy is a widely researched and safe treatment strategy for a wide variety of conditions, with treatments delivered in under 2 minutes. MedX® Phototherapy is a highly effective treatment which increases local micro-circulation: accelerates tissue repair, reduces pain, decreases inflammation/edema, and angiogenesis (blood flow)

Certain patients may require additional tools for their rehabiliative efforts. Utilizing Kinesiotape can help increase body awareness (known as proprioception), reduce swelling/edema in certain regions, decrease bruising, and help individuals perform their job or activity. Dr. Goudreau has also found that it is great for posture awareness, because the tape can be felt and let you know if your body is in poor posture.

There is only so much an individual chiropractor can do "in house". Dr. Goudreau provides each one of his patients stretches, strengthening exercises, and corrective exercises to help the area being treated get better quicker, and keep it in a healthy state by using preventative measures. Cost effective and to the point, most low-tech approaches to rehabilitation will work to aid any individual on their road to recovery.

In 2014, Dr. Goudreau has completed a Concussion Management program to be able to accurately and effectively perform pre-season Baseline testing, as well as post-injury management of concussion injuries occured in sport, motor vehicle accidents, and worker compensation injuries. Shift is affiliated with ImPact, a widely used Neurocognitive screen.

Dr. Goudreau is a provider of custom foot orthotics, by Fooxmaxx Inc. Dr. Goudreau will assess your feet, gait, and overall needs for orthotics, and then foam cast your foot to determine how and where you put pressure on your feet, and how orthotics could help the condition that is ailing you.

Dr. Goudreau is a certified Fitter and provider of Sigvaris Compression Stockings. Be it for tired/achy legs, venous insufficiency, varicose veins, post deep vein thrombosis pain, or a variety of lower limb complaints, Dr. Goudreau will be able to measure and order stockings that will address those needs. Coming in a wide variety of models, styles, and colours, the product will be able to help with the complaint and be at the desired fashion level desired.